If it happens,
It happens for a reason.
If it doesn’t happen,
The reason might be
It’s your soul which
When to fight and
when to let it pass away.
To further immune yourself from getting affected by the results,
you must build a strong inner self. Our inner self or soul is the purest form
of ourselves. It's built on the values inherited at the time of our birth and gained
from our surroundings during the childhood.
One of the biggest reasons of unhappiness is when people lose
something with an emotional connect. The possession could be money, a costly item
or even a relationship. It's difficult for people to cope up with the loss and thus
they remain unhappy because of it.
A strong inner self will help you fight against the challenges
yet maintain your calm. You will no longer feel threatened or insecure as earlier.
Challenges are forever and you cannot avoid them however now you will handle
them with confidence. You will understand the reasons for the challenges and whether
you fight against them or let them go. It will help you connect with the outer
world and make you realize your position in it.
The way we train our body in the field and gym to make it
robust and enduring, in a similar way, meditation is an activity to build your
inner self. Meditation will not only help you become calmer but will also rejuvenate
you. You will be a new you, who is unfazed by the difficulties surrounding him.
You will be happier and would have a refreshed view of the life.
The purpose of the meditation is having control over all of your senses: hear, see, smell, taste and touch. There's a bigger sense which controls all these senses, which I call as 'Sense of Inter Connect'. 'Sense of Inter Connect' is the relationship between your ‘inner self’ with your ‘outer self’. It’s a relationship between what you are from inside with what you aspire to be from the outside. The stronger your inner self and if it also relates with your outer self in unison, then your 'Sense of Inter Connect' is strong. A strong 'Sense of Inter Connect' enables you to relate with the outside environment in a clear and effective manner.
Humans are the only living beings in this whole cosmos who
have an immense power of thoughts. Man, through his brain has created the physical
world but he also can create the spiritual world. A strong ‘Sense of Inter Connect’
helps you create the spiritual world. This spiritual world helps you in interacting
with the nature.
As per the law of physics everybody in this cosmos whether
living or non-living has a natural frequency at which it is oscillating all the
time. Even the overhead foot bridge has a natural frequency at which it oscillates
all the time. They do not allow troops to march in a ‘perfect synchronous foot
march’ on an overhead bridge as the frequency generated through march-past and
the natural frequency of the bridge may match with each other. If that happens there
is a high probability that bridge would collapse.
We relate with the cosmos through these frequencies. In common
parlance you may call them as vibes. These are our natural frequencies which we
disseminate every time we communicate with the outer world. The effect of them is
clearer when we meet strangers. We not only communicate with them through verbal
communication but also through these frequencies. Our ‘inner self’ which is the
main source of these frequencies is always trying to relate with the frequencies
of the others. You may like a person when
communicating on a phone, chat or video call but once you meet the person face
to face, you find it very difficult to communicate with him. What’s the reason?
The reason is our ‘inner self’ not able to relate with the ‘inner self’ of the
other. It happens often that people do not know the reason of this disconnect as
they are not able feel their ‘inner self’.
People whose ‘inner self’ are strong disperse frequencies
which match with the cosmic world. There is a 2-level method of building your ‘inner
self’ through meditation. In the first level you ‘master the pulses’ and in the
second ‘regulate the breath’.
Find a calm corner in your house where you can sit every day
for some time. Although you can practice this exercise anytime however the best
time is before going to the sleep at night.
Step 1: The first level starts with feeling your pulse. Keep
first finger of your right hand on the inner side of the wrist of the left hand.
Press your finger on the vein and try feeling your pulse. It will take you few
days to feel the pulse. Do not panic if you are not able to feel the pulse. Give
yourself more time. Sometimes it may take a week to recognize your pulse. Keep
it practicing it for 2 weeks more. The average time spent on this activity in a
day should be around 15 minutes.
Step 2: Now give a break of 1 week to let things settle down.
Start again, now you would hear your heart beats along with a distinct pulse.
Keep it practising for 3-4 weeks.
Step 3: Once you keep practicing in a quiet & calm
space, you will experience the desired effect. The heart beat and the pulse
will resonate together i.e. you would stop hearing 2 distinct sounds but now will
hear the heart beat and pulse in tandem. This experience will soon spread to your whole
body. You will experience the tandem vibrations all over your body. You feel that
your body has no weight, the heart or the pulses have taken over your body. It
would be something similar to a large blinking lighthouse where only the light
is visible from a distance with the tower (body) shadowed by the light.
Happiness is the feeling
which everyone is looking for outside as they cannot find where is it hidden
The second level is focusing on the breath.
Meditation is bringing the mind and senses under your
control and guidance. You can achieve it by bringing your thoughts to a null and
then focusing all your energies on ‘oneness’. Once you master it, every small vibration
in your body merges to become one. Your heart, mind, eyes, skin and sense of smell
converge at one point. You feel the reverberations generated by each part of
your body. The frequency of these reverberations is close to the natural frequencies
of the cosmic world. The more ‘frequencies of oneness’ are closer to the ‘natural
frequencies’ of the cosmos, the closer will you relate to the outside world.
Step 1: Find a quiet place in your home or workplace. You may
sit on the ground, chair or even the bed. Keep your shoulders relaxed, balanced
upright posture and eyes closed. Fold your hands, palm on palm or can keep them
on your knees. If you are keeping your hands folded, then they should be in the
chest’s center. When you are keeping your palm on palm, then you should position
it slight below the navel. In the third position, the thumb and the tip of the
index figure should touch to each other while the wrist lies on the knee. The
palms of the hands are facing upwards.
Keep doing this activity for a few days to a week every day
for 20-30 minutes. You may find difficult to sit in this posture for even 5
minutes in the start. However, keep following the activity like a tight regime.
The aim of this activity is to become enduring. Just sit and relax. You may find
difficult to concentrate but never mind just keep sitting in the position as long
as possible.
Step 2: The second step towards the meditation is clearing
up your mind of all the thoughts, good or bad. You need to bring your mind to the
null. This requires your mind to become as calm as possible. The external noise
in the room should be as low as possible. You may put a pair of meditation ear
plugs made of foam or silicone for reducing the noise. Close your eyes and
focus in the center of your eyebrows. You would feel the calmness in your mind after
few days of practice.
Step 3: Take fast and long breaths. Keep focusing on your
breaths whether in or out. After one or two minutes of frantic breathing, lose
control on your breaths such that the pace becomes slower and calmer. Keep
focusing on the breath. Continue this practice for a few days to few weeks till
you experience absolute calmness in your body and mind. Once you will get up
from your meditation, you will feel refreshed and energetic.
Step 4: Keep focusing on your breath however in parallel focus
on your heartbeat as well. You will experience
that your body has become light and is reverberating in unison. This experience
will be on higher echelons than the experience through mastering of pulses. When
you experience the heart beat while keeping a tab on pulses you get a higher form
of physical joyfulness. However, when you experience the heart beat while
focusing on the breath, you attain a sense of your body becoming light wherein you
feel your heart is the one and the only one source of the energy. You might get
a feeling that your heart is you and you are the one in synchronous reverberation
with the outside world. It is something like a star sparkling in a pool of stars
in the sky.
In scientific terms, heart function and breathing are the two
activities of the body which are automatic. Even if you are unconscious, your
heart and breathing will continue to pace in a regular fashion. The heart pumps
the blood into the veins while breathing helps in the diffusion of oxygen into our
blood stream. Both the functions are critical and are lifeline of each cell of
the body. If the single cell is devoid of blood or oxygen, then it will cease
to even exist.
Mastering your pulses and regulating your breathing thus
gives you control over each and every single cell of the body. When you can synchronize
breathing and heart pulses, your body, in fact every single cell of the body emits
the same frequency, which can synchronize with the frequency of the cosmos. The
experience at that moment is beyond words. It is more to experience than to understand.
Achieving this state may take a few weeks to few months.
A word of caution here is to practice meditation in
guidance of a Guru. A Guru can only make you understand it step-by-step and
help realize the potential.